Brimbeck Cockers

Dyllan, Tyke, Lance, Layla and Kit

Brimbeck Cockers come from South Suffolk and are shown by Sarah and Emily Pilkington.

We have had cockers for over 25 years

I got my first pet cocker a red boy called – Ben “Californian Daydream”. I didn’t show him but he was my pride and joy and a constant companion in my teanage years. I learnt a lot about these lovely dogs from him.

Dyllan “Black Runer of Brimbeck” is a black show cocker. Our first taste of showing was with him in October 2007.

Tyke “Cardamine Rainbow Tyke at Brimbeck” is a tri-colour. Tyke was born just before the docking ban in 2007.

Lance “Molkara Crystal Knight At Brimbeck” joined us in September 2009, he is our first cocker with a tail.

Layla “Molkara Vuvuzela” is showing in partnership between Emily and her breeder Kim Gain Molkara